Every time I move, digging through my piles of useless belongings reminds me what a sentimental sap I am.
Exhibit A: I still have a box of souvenirs from a relationship that ended in February 2009
The best part: there's a t-shirt inside that I'm going to start wearing.
The worst part: buried among the papers is a "Life's To Do" list written in summer 2008. I can only cross one thing off it. (Get a tattoo. Check.) It's really a bummer that among the more modest things on the list, I can't cross off Go to Dollywood, Learn Spanish, or Learn to Knit.
I don't know what to do with it. I should really take a lesson from Emma and its modern sister Clueless and set it on fire, but that seems like such a waste.
Exhibit A: I still have a box of souvenirs from a relationship that ended in February 2009
The best part: there's a t-shirt inside that I'm going to start wearing.
The worst part: buried among the papers is a "Life's To Do" list written in summer 2008. I can only cross one thing off it. (Get a tattoo. Check.) It's really a bummer that among the more modest things on the list, I can't cross off Go to Dollywood, Learn Spanish, or Learn to Knit.
I don't know what to do with it. I should really take a lesson from Emma and its modern sister Clueless and set it on fire, but that seems like such a waste.